JOYFull: A Raw Journal of the Mindful Revolution
You are not alone with a painful time. This podcast was begun to share the experience when ending it all is not an option. It sucks. Did you suck? A new world has opened. Join in, and discover there are things you can now explore for the first time. Develop the values you will use for joy and fullness. You’ll make mistakes. Try anything. Learn your mind. This started with just the host in Los Angeles, not knowing how to go on and yammering about nonsense - eventually got unique guests, moved across the US, and faced all new challenges, but with a different mindset. Try anything. Make mistakes. Learn your mind. Presented by NotJustNinjas.

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
We continue our venture in uncharted territory. How can massage be done as teletherapy? Why has Reiki healing been credited with so much success by doctors and hospitals, though it is not "medicine"? Can the caring of another person provide a biological benefit? This is a conversation with the founder of Awaken Massage RVA and certified Therapist and Reiki Master Ryan Greene. Visit or follow at with questions or to schedule. Mention the JOYFull Podcast for a 50% discount for teletherapy. Follow Ethan Sharrett @ethansharrettofficial

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Ep 37. Surreal Has Begun, Still Ubering. Essential Workers, Accusatory vs. Helpful.
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
The virus was going on overseas. Why I'm still Uber driving in The Van. It's getting freaky. Essential workers have to get to Food Lion, McDonalds, Kroger, Ralph's, the gas station you name it. We're taking part. Will they ever get the credit we owe them? Wishes for unity. Accusatory vs. Helpful. God help NYC. NOTE: The interview clips with essential workers didn't turn out quality-wise for audio. BUT see photos at

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Ep 37. The Surreal Begun, Essential Workers, Virus Response
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
The virus was going on overseas. Now the wildfire of COVID-19 is in the US. Why I'm working. We're taking part. Wishes for unity. Accusatory vs. Helpful. God help NYC. NOTE: The clips with essential workers did not turn out quality wise for audio. But see photos of them at

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Ep 36. How low can you go? Your confidence, that is. Hamlet, Mornings, Dad
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Even when I got a part I wanted - Hamlet... my mind was ready for a sabatoge. Self doubt could be stifling us. We have no idea what's possible. Challenging schedules and finding your morning. There's a book called "The Morning Miracle" by Hal Elrod. It made a change pretty quickly. But then it was on me to keep that going. Trying to share how powerful that is.
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Transcription below:
The JOYFull Podcast – Hosted by Ethan Sharrett –Ep 36. Overcome Low Confidence With MorningMe-Time 0:15 Now it’s recording. All right, I’m going to try to recreate everything I just said whilethe microphone was not on. I don’t know how I’m going to do that. I’ve been ramblingto myself, I guess with no microphone on. This is Episode 36 of the JOYFull podcast.My name is Ethan Sharrett. Thank you so much for listening to it. It’s a pleasure to haveyou here. And as always, if you feel moved, every review or comment or little thumbsup, thumbs up really helps. But if you would, please leave any review on like iTunes,or Apple podcasts or anything like that. It helps people to kind of relate to what theshow is like and see if they want to check it out or not. And I would be so happy andthankful to you for doing that. And for listening. Well, it’s the JOYFull podcast. Andlike I said, Episode 36. All the other episodes, there’s a lot more than 36. But a lot ofthem in the first year were not designated with the number. There was just like interviewepisode. That’s all it would say. But from now on going forward, we are numberingthem. So no matter what, if it’s an interview episode, or just, I guess, an advancementtechnique episode, it will all be numerated.1:38 Well, I have just written a bunch of notes over the last day or so. And now they all looklike chicken scratch. “Who wrote these episode notes?” Me! Me, I guess, I did. Thisshow usually has three components. And it’s one like, what’s going on with me? Notbecause I need you to know what’s going on with me, but because anything somebodyis going through, chances are you are too, or have or know somebody who is. So I tryto just share what’s going on with me. So you can contextualize what the secondcomponent is, which is the sharing and description of some method, approach,technique, tool, idea that I am practicing. So you can figure out if you’d like to applythat or hopefully pique your interest in it because everything I practice, I feel it is reallypositive and good. I mean, I do some things that are definitely not positive, And nogood at all. But the ones that I’m sharing are all good. And hopefully I can pique yourinterest in some of those. And the third thing is like a cultural observation about somekind of issue, political issue, world issue, book, a movie, something in the media,something like that. I’m in media. I should be a mediaologist. I just came up with that. Page 2 of 9So thanks for listening, geez. Once again, I recorded so much good content, and I lookeddown. And somehow the thing had stopped recording. And I was literally talking abouthow I didn’t record enough because of the technical issues. So I’m trying to figure thatout. Thank you so much for bearing with me.3:31 This episode is just me talking about me, and you. And I’ve gotten a couple of emailsabout guests lately. And some of them have been anonymous, some of them have justsaid, “Thanks.” I like it. And even those, if you can just do those, those allow people topossibly check it out, possibly share, which I would be so grateful to you for.3:56 So what is going on with me? Well, I drove around today for Uber, drove a bunch ofpeople around. That’s a really cool thing to do. I like it. I mean, you get exhausted fromjust the stress of trying not to crash and have anybody crashed into you and traffic rulesand lane changes and all that. But it’s awesome for people to be able to... You turn onthis app and people get in your car and you say, “Hey to them,” and then you get a littlebit of money. So whilst I am between careers and sources of more stable income, I’mdoing that and it’s pretty fun. Just got done doing that today. And if you have anyquestions about what that experience is like, or what are the etiquette there in, youknow, or your observations or what your experiences have been with Uber, please writein, or you can find me on Instagram and message that way,its @ethansharrettofficial. And soon, like I keep saying, I’m going to flesh out thatJOYFull podcast Instagram as well. But right now, just the one picture.5:15 Well, I tried to bring it to you very authentically, if I can, which is not always easy forall of us. Some of us have to... We literally have to go into a specialist to bring out whatthe hell is wrong with us, right. And so I am trying to bring that about, and share it withyou. And what I’m doing to tackle some of the issues you also might be tackling, whichis causing yourself to experience more joy, and share more joy, because you’re full ofthat joy, and enhance our experience collectively and individually on this planet.Because a lot of things are possible. A lot of things are possible. And things that wehaven’t even thought of yet. There are things right now that we think are impossible.And we are all bothered by which will be done. And problems will be solved. Like theway our brains work, I mean, it’s going to be laughable some of the things that we thinknow and some of the divisions that are between us now, some of the bullshit we fall fornow, as society that... I really believe, like in a few years’ time, so many more people Page 3 of 9are going to understand how important it is for our brains to be healthy and how partsof our neuroses and areas of the brain can cause us to react in some of the ways that wedo that keep us from making any ground on some of the bigger issues, like helpingpeople get more educated. So that our economy doesn’t have these weird, artificialdamaging things in it, like that are bad for the environment, or bad for our own healththat we consume so much. And because we don’t know any better. Well, we’re goingto know better, we’re known more and more and more better all the time. So I encourageyou to just keep doing what you’re doing. Because it’s getting better all the time.7:45 Despite what you see in the.... Just don’t believe the hype. Don’t believe the hype ofthe divisiveness. It is only getting more and more and more and more. And in the end,I mean, you should believe the hype that if you take care of yourself and make yourbrain healthy, and share how to do that, with more and more people, which we are theyounger generation, as well as the people who are just fed up of like older generations,we are coming around. We are meditating. We are seeing that we’re accountable forwhat we do. And we are realizing we can give ourselves a better day, a better life bysome of the simple things we practice. And not by what we own. Although it is nice toown things. Sure.8:43 All right. I am kind of spent, but I do want to get into... Like the first thing was Uber,the second could be... What’s going on with me? I’m moved. I tell you that before inthe other episode. Oh! how I started... How I had my notes? This line from Hamlet fromHamlet, Shakespeare. Well Horatia sees the ghost of Hamlet’s father, also namedHamlet, memory serves. And he says, “Oh! This is wondrous strange”, and he’s like,“terrified”. And Hamlet says, “Well, then, as a stranger, give it welcome. There aremore things in heaven and earth Horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” Andhe’s like, through some kind of tragedy, the tragedy that takes place in Hamlet, he’sopened his mind to the world; things are possible. And he’s saying to Horatio, “Listen,your imagination, your philosophy right now, it needs to embrace new things becausethe world can be seen differently. There are things existing that we don’t think arecapable, are possible right now.” So that’s kind of like... That’s why I had that in mynotes. Because somehow this wonder is strange was in my journal the other day. Just Iremember writing down this is a mysterious magical world. There are opportunities.There’s more possible in this world than we think right now. And so let’s push our Page 4 of 9imagination for our day today, and tomorrow, and get ready for tomorrow. Get readyfor tomorrow.10:43 And that led me to think that when I got fortunate enough to be, in this little smallTheatre Company in Los Angeles with a black box theater, was doing a bunch of plays.And I was lucky enough to be cast and play Hamlet, in that little production in a stylishlittle take on Hamlet, but using the actual play, and I got so many I have so much rewardor good compliments, and, I don’t know, what are the what’s the word?Congratulations, everybody [was saying]. “Congratulations, amazing, that you got thatpart. Congrats, congrats, congrats, way to go”. And I remember feeling like that way Iwas, was amazing. I really was trying to get that part so bad. Which is funny in itself.But it was absolutely 100% real at the time. I remember at the read through the veryfirst read through when everybody gets together and sees who you meet, not only meetthe cast, but you know, we sit down and we just actually take out the play and readthrough it. So everybody’s sitting down in the, in the chairs of the theater, like they’rethe audience there. But this is the cast. And the director is the only one sitting on thestage. She’s the director, and she’s going to kind of call out, the stage directions andkind of paste the thing along for everybody. And she goes Ethan, you, you sit up herewith me on the stage your Hamlet. I remember just thinking, looking at everybody outthere, and the other guys who had also audition, who were playing some of the othercool parts in there, and they auditioned for Hamlet. I remember looking at each of themand thinking, oh my God! that guy would be an awesome Hamlet. “Oh my gosh! That’slike, that’s Hamlet. That’s what Hamlet would look like, right there”. That is what Iwanted to share with you that crazy level of self-doubt some of us get before we evenlike undertake a thing or while we are doing it. And I just want that’s like one of it’skind of always stay with me why would I even have that impulse of thinking? I’m sosomebody else should be hammered and not me. It’s not very good to go into a projectthat way. I guess I kind of ignored those instincts. And in the here’s the truth about thatno matter who is playing this part or that part, whoever is or doing this job or that job,Billy Bob or Joe. There’s nobody that can do them if they’re practicing these lifeaffirming practices, these techniques, and they’re finding they’re speaking from theirtrue voice. And they’re not thinking that somebody else should be doing it, but they’redoing enough repetition and enough exploration, enough study and just in confidencebuilding exercises. I mean, some of them are as simple as just saying, I am confident I Page 5 of 9am confident a lot of times and I didn’t at that time. I didn’t know that since then, I’vestarted this podcast. And because I’m really turned on by the ability to give ourselves abetter day and a better life through practice and that some people need it. And if youhave doubt or if you lack confidence sometimes, I just want to share with you how Ifound that was such a low point of doubt that I would even like think that and of courseI didn’t know I wasn’t quite a Were I mean, I, I did some of the practices that I talkedabout now. It was, it was probably, on my radar, how awesome Yoga is for you. But Ididn’t realize many, many, many of the other things that I share on this podcast. Andthat people have that make up the mindfulness revolution that say, you can advanceyour mind, you can take control of your emotions, you can cultivate more of the lifeand the energy that you want to have in yourself and therefore share with the world.Because, everybody deserves some joy. Everybody deserves to experience that. Andanything’s possible, it really is. Where was going with, I was just reading through mynotes, and saying, just how crazy that is that? How much you can lack confidencesometimes. And then I asked, how’s your tomorrow looking and if your tomorrow islooking anything, like, if you’ve heard me talk about like the Miracle Morning, or themiracle, the self, people call it the Miracle Morning, self-love time, the self-love hour,the Power Hour, the me time morning, the me gift, the I love me a lot to me, it’s allabout you. I mean, it’s you. And there’s this really special thing that you can do in yourmornings to, to I’d like you to wipe the slate clean of how you’re going to feel. Onceyou do these things, I just am going to encourage you to know that you’re going to feeldifferent. If you have a morning that includes some of these things. And if you can’t dothe 30 straight days of this me time morning, that’s 60 minutes long before you go towork or anything like that, if you can’t do that, and maybe you could do like four daysor five days. And I have an amazing experience with that. And the whole concept isthis, I want to ask you a serious question. When you got up this morning? How muchtime did you have before you were reacting to other things? How much time was it thatwas planned that you were hitting exactly the marks that you had designed? Like theprevious day. If you have the kind of life that you’re already like, bam, this is wherewhat I grab at 5:30am. This is what I do at 5:45am. If those are like all are already likethese, these bullet points on your day, kudos to you. That’s awesome. And I and then Iwant to challenge you and see if you’re doing some of these other things as well, sinceyou’re obviously a master of like staying on track with that. If you wake up and you’reimmediately like solving your kids’ problems, or immediately just trying to get ready Page 6 of 9on time and saying and like short, short cutting things to get to your car on time or, youknow, like I don’t have time to make breakfast, I’ll stop and get it. I don’t have time towash my hair. I’ll just you know, put it in a ponytail. Or whatever. If you’re doing thosethings, just reactionary, wise. When it started building a morning of me time, that’scompletely proactive that you planned the night before. And so if your answer wasYeah, pretty much felt like it was like a reaction the whole day until I got home. Andthen I at the end of the day, I can finally just laze around on the couch just for five to30 minutes and just not do anything because I’m so exhausted from getting myselfhome or getting myself and my family home or whatever.19:26 And this whole thing about this miracle me morning time. It’s just, I have so much moreto say about it. But um, that’s what we’re going to go with today. And I have some toolsif you’ve, if you it’s really, really hard to think of doing this. But the whole concept isthat there’s one hour that you’re going to gift yourself, nobody else can possibly dothis, except you. And it’s an amazing thing because the world is going to cause you todo react all day long. But this is something that starts your day out with you at the centerof it that nourishes your mind nourishes your confidence nourishes your body, and helpsyou visualize what you want. Even if all your visualization is I don’t know what I wantyet. And it’s going to allow you to bring in, there’s other things that you’re not doing,like start introducing them to you to your life, if you wanted to read a book, if youwanted to write a book, if you want to go back to school, if you want to get your realestate license, if you wanted to dimension those things already. If you wanted to learnsomething, get in better shape, get some biceps, get some guns for the hands, do somecurls for the girls, anything like that, you’ll get a chance to start doing those thingsinitially just introducing them to your typical day. However, it’s challenging when,especially if you have kids, and especially if you have a rotating work schedule thatsometimes you get home late, late at night sometimes don’t. My brother who is a pilotand go flies all the time, to different places. And of course he has a varying schedule.So it’s really hard to get on track. I’m not going to solve exactly that problem. But Iwill yeah, yeah, let’s solve that problem. Because this is what I had to do for myselfmoving from the apartment where me and jack live to house, which is one of theexciting changes, told you about moved in with the special lady into a house justrecently and moved the like the idea of looking for a job, and career changing, whichI’m doing, moving. These are all these things which we kind of like grant ourselves likePage 7 of 9this is really difficult. This is a really difficult change. I can’t be expected to have mygreat mornings right now. I’ll get I’ll work towards it. Well, it had been too long. I’vebeen going too long with that. And I needed to look around desperately for how couldI introduce this to my life, to get back into my time mornings. And so I can beproductive again, and not just work and react all the time. And if you’re not ready tosay, all right, well, tomorrow, I’m going to have this hour that includes 10 minutes ofexercise, two minutes meditation, 10 minutes of journaling, 10 minutes of affirmations,and 10 minutes of visualization, and 10 minutes of reading. If you’re not going to makethat hour for yourself tomorrow, then you can, here’s what you can do. You can getstuff ready to do it tomorrow. Like before you go to bed, you can look around, as if youwere going to do it and say, Alright, what would I need? If I were to like, where wouldI put my coffee? If I sat down here and started reading at 5am for 10 minutes? Do youhave a timer? Does your like Fitbit or Apple Watch, have a timer on there that makes iteasy to time 10 minutes, that’s a really like helpful device because it’s like a mechanicalthing. Or device anyway, that will tell you when your 10 minutes is up so you can soeasily stay on track and say, Alright, that was 10 minutes of reading boom on to thenext thing. So do you have a timer? Do you have a place where you can put yourexercise clothes so that you’re not waking anybody up and when you go get changed,just a little staggered, go get the socks that you want to wear or the shorts that you wantto wear when you do your 10 minutes of meditation and your 10 minutes of exerciseand your 10 minutes of affirmation. How’s that going to look? Are you going to getyour phones when you’re listening to like a 10-minute affirmation YouTube video orsomething? You can go get those things ready, and start to implement that. And let metell you how effective it is. This whole thing started actually with as with a conversationwith my brother, he had asked me “Hey, you really slowed down on making contentfor that. Not just department, YouTube and Facebook brand that you made that not justdepartments you’re making content. You slow down with that what’s up?” And I justsaid, “Man I’ve been I’d love to do it. I don’t know what happened. My I haven’t hadtime lately. I’ve been doing a lot of stuff.” And he says: What do you been doing withyour mornings because he was curious because he wants to get on traffic mornings too.”And I thought, Oh my gosh! I am desperately trying to get my mornings back my metime mornings back. Because that’s the only time I know that is guaranteed for me myproductivity and my advancement and what I was Explaining was that when I got intothis a year ago of doing, I’d always, like I said, I’ve always enjoyed going for a run Page 8 of 9before work. But I didn’t realize how, how different the view of that is when you lookat it as, like a one-hour consistent gift that includes like, not just exercise, but these,these many different facets that are that are healthy and good for your mind, body andsoul.25:32 And when I did get into that last year, it was amazing. Like I was in that funk, when Icouldn’t, I wasn’t inspired by work, I didn’t see a way out, I didn’t have colleagues thatlike similar like, like minded, I didn’t, I wasn’t advancing any ideas, any place, I wasjust kind of, you know, just running operations. So I was I was in like a motivational,creative funk. Having amazing weekends and evenings with me and the kid, of course,but all day long. Being in that that low place, I started this. And I didn’t do it for 30days, like, the suggestion is like the challenge is, I did it for five days. And out of thatfive days, by the end of that, like third day or fourth or fifth day, I was so completelyturned around, I had written, I’d started vision boards, I’d started this whole new brand,which like kept me completely fired up over the next whole year. And made I don’tknow if it’s like either five or 1520 videos that I was able to like conceptualize thisthing and brainstorm a lot of it. And I still feel like has a ton of potential that hasn’teven been scratched yet. I have a lot more unfinished content that I’m going to post upthere. And I’m not bragging on that. I’m just saying, if you do this for yourself,seriously, it’s going to take you some kinks. And part of the journaling it was it sucksthat like when you first open the journal? Was this successful today? Did I start at fiveo’clock am or now did I start at 545 I’m only going to have time for like, you know,one of these things today? Well, when I actually did it successfully, for like the third,fourth day in a row, I was so transformed that I was seeing everything as a differentpossibility. And I still remember writing on my vision board that you can redefinethings or redefine. Like a child, I remember having this challenge at work. And Icompletely turn that into one of the most successful videos so far, I had to do this thingand get this thing done. It needed video content for it. And I was I went to work andinstead of dreading it, which I had done the previous day, after a morning like the oneI had made for myself, as part of this, I was excited. And I completely solved thatproblem and not only solved it, but like in in a way that’s like a permanent, creative,creative way. So I just want to let you know that all of that was just from five days. Soimagine what you could do if you do it for like 10 or 30. And that’s what I’m excitedabout right now with me. And the approach that I have right now is I would the new Page 9 of 9place I’m living, I am trying to make that work. And it’s challenging. Because nowwhen like, you know, if you’re in a new place, you’re not used to exactly how long it’sgoing to take to get dressed, where you want shower where you want after, if, if whena kid gets up, so now they’re kind of two kids in the household. So if my girlfriend’sdaughter woke up early in the middle of what I would have been doing my MiracleMorning, well, that’s one of those challenges, and we’re going to just try to do it betterand better, even if I have to do it earlier and earlier, and so forth. So that’s what I wantto leave you with is how significant that knee time morning is. And just get on thatplease let me know if you have experience with that you can share it @gmail.com29:02 and the third part before we close this thing out is boom, the cultural observation ofalready said that one politics don’t believe the hype. Don’t believe the hype. Thedivisiveness is not is not getting worse and worse it’s going to get better and betterbecause there’s people like you and me that are practicing our accountability our peaceor happiness or joyfulness and sharing that with the world and we’re seekingauthenticity. And we’re starting to understand that we’ve been susceptible toinauthenticity for a long time. But we’re starting to get through to the root of it inourselves, and then therefore, like, between ourselves and we need each other. We allare in this thing together as this virus is, is showing us we’re all in this together andnone of us can really predict that something might happen, it can kind of throw a hugecurveball in everything have this butterfly effect for the good or bad. Let’s get somebutterfly effects for the good. That’s the cultural observation, the practice I’mapproaching. Very exciting. I’ve never seen a therapist before. So, I’m excited to startworking with therapists. I’ve seen this doctor two times. And it has only beenpreliminary so far, but there was a little bit of an introduction to a trance state hypnosis.Today data trans trance state hypnosis today. And so we’ll see if that is super helpful.I’m excited about it. Excited a lot of people find a counselor or therapist to be the bestthing they can do. And when you combine that with other things that we’re doing onthis show, might even be better so I’m going to close that out. Please follow along Iwould love any review you can make any comments suggestion please put it on thatwherever you listen to podcast please add something I would be so grateful to you forthat and let me know any questions or concerns follow @ Ethan Sharrett Official onInstagram. I’ll try to post more stuff I promise but be well god bless and Namaste.

Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Ep 35. Healing and Finding Happiness, Group Meditation Sessions, Ed Ratchford
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Great episode. We talk about not being able to get out of bed, crying, not even LIKING yourself. But now? Happiest. Days. Ever. Ed has been a chemist and a corporate recruiter of professional scientists. When a diagnoses of Fibromyalgia and Ehlers Danlos, and a non-working assortment of medications left him defeated, his un-ease led him to deeply study Christianity, Buddhism, Reiki, Healing Touch, Alexander Technique, Qi Gong, and more. Now, he organizes group meditations, mindful hikes and events, and offers healing and coaching either remotely (phone) or in person. Contact Ed at
Follow Ethan for way less intense stuff at

Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Ep 35. Crying in bed, Self image, Meditation in a group, Healer Ed Ratchford
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
We talk about not being able to get out of bed, crying, not even liking yourself, not knowing yourself, and more. But now? Happiest. Days. Ever. Ed has been a chemist and a corporate recruiter of professional scientists. When diagnoses of Fibromyalgia and Ehlers Danlos, and a non-working assortment of medications left him defeated, his un-ease led him to deeply study Christianity, Buddhism, Reiki, Healing Touch, Alexander Technique, Qi Gong, and more. Now, he organizes group meditations, mindful hikes and events, and offers healing and coaching either remotely (phone) or in person. Contact Ed at
Follow Ethan Sharrett at

Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Ep 34. "Spiritual Distraction," Freedom of Speech, China, Uber. Healer Ed Ratchford.
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
What if you're doing everything you're supposed to, you overcome a problem - then suddenly you don't know what to do? Could we placate ourselves by thinking there's an enemy outside of us? Also: Freedom of speech, USA, and China. Coronavirus - topic inspired by Uber passengers. Healer ED RATCHFORD is available at and he'll call you. Follow Host Ethan @ethansharrettofficial and soon

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
There's someone who needs to hear this. The situation, the circumstances might be the same.
Demarquis shares about zero parental guidance from day one. Doing those things you just don't want to admit to. Being locked up, being in the Army, learning to be a dad. And now being so happy that he's willing to share.
Ethan talks about how ego can subconsciously influence us when we're not paying attention. Updates on career and more, while living a full life with Joy to share. Please follow, comment, send questions via dm